“I’m trying to stay away from Sarah right now, because if I see her, I’ll cry.”
- Allie Stoudt from across the campsite as we were packing to leave
Written Day 1, 8/12/18:
Today is the day we left Colorado. As I type this, Jimmy and I are driving from our annual group camping trip at Turquoise Lake north to Wyoming. To be honest, I’m feeling a little somber today. Maybe it was the frustration of not finding everything we needed as we ran a few errands, or maybe it’s because we are a bit hungover. But it’s probably because of the hugs, kisses, and tears that were shared this morning as we left Turquoise Lake. In fact, while crossing the Colorado/Wyoming border, Jimmy let out a little “woo hoo!” and I surprised him by starting to cry.
This morning marked the end of one of the great chapters of my life, and even though we have so much to look forward to, and even though some of my best friends are leaving Colorado soon after we do, I still feel heaviness in my chest. Change is a necessity and it is so important to our well-being, but I’m glad to sit in the somberness of this moment and think back on the times we had these past six years. Man, we are so privileged to have experienced every moment. And lucky me...I get to sit back with my hand out the window, enjoying the sunny breeze, and remember them as Jimmy drives us into our next chapter.