Keep Mice Out of Your RV — 4 Things to Do

So you’ve got a mouse in your RV —  or even worse mice! We did, too. Do these 4 things and you will be mouse-free in your RV or campervan in no time.

After we got rid of our first mouse, we had two more in the next two weeks. To make matters worse, they would come in just after dusk when we were trying to sleep or EARLY — 4:30 AM early. Learn from our trial, error and eventual success!

Seal Off Access

You’ll think you sealed every way into your RV or campervan on your first pass — but you probably didn’t. After multiple searches, we found the two main culprits: 1) loose silicone around wires that ran through a hole under the van and 2) a large hole next to our black water tanks. That second one could only be spotted with perfect outdoor lighting and was far in the back corner of our van so it evaded us for weeks.


DAP is easy to use and you can get the can into places where a caulking gun with silicone won’t fit.  

Set Glue Traps

Leverage a mouse’s natural tendency to run along walls by placing multiple glue traps throughout your RV or campervan. Glue traps caught two of our three mice, while the third mouse was caught in a more classic-style trap. We also purchased a no-kill box trap and added it along a wall, and although we’ve heard good things, the glue traps were more successful.

PRO TIP: Don’t use poison!

Sure it works, but once a mouse eats the poison, there is no telling where it will die. If you can’t retrieve the mouse, you will experience weeks of stink as it decomposes in the depths of your RV or campervan. Yuck.

Clean, Clean, Clean!

Remember, although cute, these critters spread disease. Follow CDC guidelines and remove every trace of rodents out of your campervan or RV. Nests, droppings, hair, etc. — they all have to go.

Also, since subsequent invaders can smell how the first mouse entered and follow suite, wash your RV or campers outside, undercarriage and wheels to remove any scent of mouse.

Deter Future Mice

On the outside of your RV or camper — such as the wheels and undercarriage — spray Liquid Fence. It smells like garlic but has worked for us so far.

On the inside of your RV or camper, place these rodent deterrents. They last up to two months, aren’t overbearing or even noticeable to humans, but mice can’t stand them. Drop them wherever you glue-trapped the pesky buggers or you found a nest.

We by no means figured this out on the first go, but these 4 steps have led to us being mouse-free in our campervan, Dot, for over a month! Check out the hilarious account of our first mouse invasion in Eek! There’s a Mouse the Campervan.

Let us know if anything else worked for you in the comments below!


Keep Mice Out of Your RV with These 4 Tips!

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